Identifying a Character- School Stories

I was given information this week through the delivery of presentations, on solo performers. In  particular the monologue style , which was portrayed by Eric Bogosian and from this decided to create a performance around school children. I originally thought of positioning the audience as school children and delivering a class to them, asking them questions as pupils. However, I then began to think of a classroom scenario involving a teacher and pupil, and kept in mind the notion of my voice being recorded. I wanted to make the scenario as real as possible. I also wanted to draw on my passion for teaching and the experience I have had in the classroom.


Therefore, I recorded , in a cockney accent, to give a different voice,  a teachers  retorts to a child asking him to focus , and stop affecting others concentration in class. I left gaps in the recording to state the answers live, as though talking to the pupil.

Here is the script- Dialogue between Teacher And Pupil

Feedback I was given from this was basically to scrap the idea. This didn’t work as I had not researched the pupil enough, so this didn’t seem natural and there were gaps left in the performance, all adding to not much  believability. The advice instead was to try and create a monologue based on life. It was suggested that I could try and add mufti media projections as I talked to myself, as though being  interviewed. I took these points on board and considered a further, and would be final idea.

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